Each legislative session there are a number of bills relating to the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) and other campaign finance reform. The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs of the Maine State Legislature has jurisdiction over election law and holds hearings to receive testimony on these matters. To see testimony and public comment submitted to the Ethics Commission, click here.
131st Legislature (2023-2024)
- Proposed Amendments to the Commission’s Rules; New Section 15, 2/28/2024
- LD 2214 Supplemental Budget Bill – Maine Clean Elections Fund, 2/23/2024
- LD 1966 — An Act to Allow Candidates for County Office to Participate in the Maine Clean Election Act, 5/24/2023
- LD 1811 — An Act to Clarify Required Political Committees 24-hour Reports, 5/3/2023
- LD 1610 — An Act to Prohibit Campaign Spending by Foreign Governments and Promote an Anticorruption Amendment to the United States Constitution, 5/3/2023
- LD 1466 - An Act to Fund Adult Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder Services by Eliminating Certain Tax Funding from the Maine Clean Election Fund, 4/26/2023
- LD 1698 - An Act to Eliminate Private Donations to the Maine Clean Election Fund, 4/26/2023
- LD 1590 - An Act to Require Disclosure of Campaign Funding Sources, 4/26/2023
- LD 1627 - An Act to Improve Disclosure of Lobbyist Activities, 4/26/2023
- 1336 - An Act to Increase Transparency in Municipal Ballot Referenda Expenditures, 4/21/2023
- LD 1327 - An Act to Limit the Requirements Regarding Leadership Political Action Committees and to Promote Clean Election Transparency, 4/12/2023
- LD 1221 - An Act to Make Changes to the Distribution Amounts to Certain Maine Clean Election Act Candidates in Contested General Elections, 4/5/2023
- LD 790 - An Act to Require Disclosure for Communications Paid for Using Maine Clean Election Act Funding, 3/27/2023
- L.D. 833 – An Act to Prohibit Persons Who Donate to a Governor's Transition Committee and Inaugural Committee from Registering as Lobbyists, 3/15/2023
- LD 737 - An Act to Prohibit Government Contracting Organizations from Influencing Elections, 3/8/2023
- LD 726: An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Political Action Committees Relating to Union, Business and Nonprofit Organizations, 3/8/2023
- LD 567 - An Act to Provide for the Ethical Election of Constitutional Officers by Restricting Certain Campaign Contributions, 2/27/2023
- LD 255 - An Act to Require Campaign Finance Reports for State and County Candidates Other than Governor to Be Filed on the 42nd Day Before Any Election, 2/6/2023