Each legislative session there are a number of bills relating to the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) and other campaign finance reform. The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs of the Maine State Legislature has jurisdiction over election law and holds hearings to receive testimony on these matters. To see testimony and public comment submitted to the Ethics Commission, click here.
130th Legislature (2021-2022)
- LD 1658 — An Act To Increase Campaign Finance Transparency and Accountability in Municipal Elections, 1/26/2022
- LD 1754 — An Act To Modify the Reporting Requirements for Major Contributors to Ballot Question Campaigns, 1/12/2022
- LD 1782 — An Act Regarding Contributing to Candidates and Political Action Committees, 1/12/2022
- LD 1621 — An Act To Reform Payments to Legislators by Political Action Committees, 5/5/2021
- LD 664 — An Act To Strengthen the Integrity of the Maine Clean Election Program (Emergency), 4/26/2021
- LD 921 — An Act To Eliminate Maine Clean Election Act Funding for Candidates in Gubernatorial Races, 4/26/2021
- LD 1417 — An Act Regarding Campaign Finance Reform, 4/26/2021
- LD 194 — An Act To Prohibit Contributions, Expenditures and Participation by Foreign Government-owned Entities To Influence Referenda (emergency), 3/15/2021
- LD 641 – An Act To Prohibit Contributions, Expenditures and Participation by Foreign Nationals To Influence Referenda (emergency), 3/15/2021
- LD 479 — An Act To Ban Foreign Campaign Contributions and Expenditures in Maine Elections, 3/15/2021
- LD 523 — An Act To Require an Affidavit for Every Independent Expenditure Influencing an Election and To Penalize the Use of Mistruths, 3/12/2021
- LD 526 — An Act To Require an Affidavit for Every Independent Expenditure Influencing an Election and To Penalize the Use of Mistruths, 3/8/2021
- LD 413 — An Act To Apply the Same Auditing Standards to All Candidates and Political Action Committees, 2/24/2021
- LD 53 — An Act To Limit Political Advertising, 2/3/2021
- LD 59 — An Act To Define the Term "Unenrolled Political Action Committee", 2/3/2021