Administration & Enforcement

The Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices is an independent state agency that administers Maine's campaign finance laws, including the Maine Clean Elections Act. The Commission is made up of five (5) members appointed for 3-year terms by the Governor and Legislative leadership.

Information about the Commission and its activities, including meeting agendas, general background on the law, and information for candidates, legislators, PACs and lobbyists, can be found on their website at:

Materials include:

  • Candidate guide
  • Legislative Ethics handbook
  • Laws and Rules administered by the Commission
  • Guidance for PACs and political parties

The Commission website also includes the Campaign Finance Public Access page which allows the public to view campiagn finance data for the State of Maine.

Testimony to Ethics Commision

As part of our mission to preserve and protect the MCEA, MCCE frequently participates in the Ethics Commission's public hearings around important implementaion and enforcement issues. For public testimony before the Maine State Legislature, CLICK HERE.