Each legislative session there are a number of bills relating to the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) and other campaign finance reform. The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs of the Maine State Legislature has jurisdiction over election law and holds hearings to receive testimony on these matters. To see testimony and public comment submitted to the Ethics Commission, click here.
124th Legislature (2009-2010)
- LD 1451, An Act To Amend the Maine Clean Election Act and the Enforcement Procedures of the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices, 4/29/2009
- LD 1420, An Act To Alter the Distribution of Maine Clean Election Act Funding to Gubernatorial Candidates, 4/29/2009
- LD 1380, An Act To Amend the Maine Clean Election Laws Governing Gubernatorial Candidates, 4/13/2009
- LD 1250, An Act To Amend the Maine Clean Election Act Relating to Seed Money, 4/6/2009
- LD 1197, An Act To Improve the Maine Clean Election Act, 4/6/2009
- LD 1016, An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Campaign Finance Reports and the Maine Clean Election Act, 4/6/2009
- LD 1249, An Act to Raise the Campaign Contribution Limit, 4/6/2009
- LD 1189, An Act To Simplify and Improve the Maine Clean Election Laws, 4/6/2009
- LD 1247, An Act to Prohibit Maine Clean Election Act Candidates from Raising Private Campaign Funds, 4/6/2009
- LD 1111, An Act to Promote Transparency and Accountability in Campaigns and Governmental Ethics, 4/6/2009
- LD 0923, Resolve, To Reduce Funding to Maine Clean Election Act Candidates, 3/30/2009
- LD 0949, An Act To Reduce the Number of Qualifying Contributions Required for Special Elections under the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/30/2009
- LD 0921, An Act To Eliminate Maine Clean Election Act Funding for Gubernatorial Candidates, 3/30/2009
- LD 0948, An Act To Reduce the Cost of the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/30/2009
- LD 0583, An Act Relating to Political Action Committees, 3/23/2009
- LD 0887, An Act To Amend the Reporting Requirements for Independent Expenditures for Political Campaigns, 3/23/2009
- LD 0607, An Act To Amend the Maine Clean Election Act as It Relates to Independent Expenditures, 3/16/2009
- LD 0780, An Act To Increase the Amount and Number of Qualifying Contributions under the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/16/2009
- LD 0584, An Act to Amend the Maine Clean Election ACt To Equalize the Qualifying Period for All Candidates and To Increase the NUmber of Required Contributions for Candidates to the Legislature, 3/16/2009
- LD 0772, An Act To Increase Eligibility Requirements under the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/16/2009
- LD 0259, An Act To Amend the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/9/2009
- LD 0353, An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds, 3/3/2009
- LD 0312, An Act To Require Campaign Finance Reports of Independent Expenditures To Contain a Copy of An Advertisement, 2/18/2009
- LD 0219, An Act To Require Maine Clean Election Act Candidates To Use Maine Vendors, 2/11/2009
- LD 0105, An Act To Increase the Allowable Contributions to Traditionally Funded Campaigns, 2/4/2009
- LD 0205, An Act to Repeal the Maine Clean Election Act, 2/4/2009
- LD 0140, An Act to Prohibit a Maine Clean Election Act Candidate from Participating in Political Action Committee Funding, 2/4/2009