Each legislative session there are a number of bills relating to the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) and other campaign finance reform. The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs of the Maine State Legislature has jurisdiction over election law and holds hearings to receive testimony on these matters. To see testimony and public comment submitted to the Ethics Commission, click here.
129th Legislature (2019-2020)
- LD 2136 An Act To Prohibit Contributions, Expenditures and Participation by Foreign Nationals To Influence Referenda, 3/11/2020
- LD 1968 – An Act To Restrict Maine Clean Election Act Candidates from Seeking or Accepting Employment with Vendors, 1/29/2020
- LD 1903 – An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Activities at or near the Polls on Election Day, 1/15/2020
- LD 1902 – An Act To Define the Term "Caucus Political Action Committee", 1/15/2020
- LD 1867, An Act To Clarify Lobbyist Reporting Requirements and Simplify Registration Requirements for State Employees Who Lobby on Behalf of a State Department or Agency, 1/8/2020
- LD 1869 – An Act To Clarify the Financial Reporting Responsibilities of Political Action Committees and Ballot Question Committees, 1/8/2020
- LD 1868, An Act To Improve the Reporting of Grassroots Lobbying , 1/8/2020
- LD 1871 – An Act To Modify the Financial Disclosure Requirements for a Governor-elect, 1/8/2020
- LD 1583 - An Act to Enact the Maine Citizens’ Initiatives Clean Election Act, 4/29/2019
- LD 1187 - An Act to Apply the Same Auditing Standards to All Candidates and Political Action Committees, 3/26/2019
- LD 929 - An Act Regarding the Use of Maine Clean Election Act Funds for Salaries, 3/11/2019
- LD 878 - An Act to Make Clean Election Filing Deadlines Consistent for All Candidates, 3/6/2019
- LD 722 - An Act To Require Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates To Disclose Their Federal Income Tax Returns, 2/25/2019
- LD 780 - An Act To Change Municipal Campaign Contribution Limits, 2/25/2019
- LD 411 - Resolve Directing the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices To Allow Maine Clean Election Act Funds To Be Used for Election Recounts, 2/11/2019
- LD 218 - An Act to Prohibit a Person from Collecting Contributions under the Maine Clean Election Act at a Polling Place, 2/11/2019
- LD 361 - An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Political Action Committees, 2/11/2019
- LD 202 - An Act to Increase the Required Number of Qualifying Contributions Gubernatorial Candidates Must Obtain to Qualify as Maine Clean Election Act Candidates, 2/11/2019
- LD 256 - An Act To Ban the Use of Leadership Political Action Committees for Personal Profit, 2/6/2019
- LD 54 - An Act To Limit the Influence of Lobbyists by Expanding the Prohibition on Accepting Political Contributions, 1/30/2019
- LD 11 - An Act Regarding the Acceptance of Maine Clean Election Act Campaign Contributions on State Websites, 1/30/2019
- LD 23 – Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 3: Maine Clean Election Act and Related Provisions, a Major Substantive Rule , 1/23/2019