Each legislative session there are a number of bills relating to the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) and other campaign finance reform. The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs of the Maine State Legislature has jurisdiction over election law and holds hearings to receive testimony on these matters. To see testimony and public comment submitted to the Ethics Commission, click here.
128th Legislature (2017-2018)
- LD 1780 – An Act to Transfer Funds to the Maine Clean Election Fund to Provide Adequate Funding for Maine Clean Election Fund Candidates., 2/14/2018
- LD 1802 – Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 3: Maine Clean Election Act and Related Provisions, a Major Substantive Rule of the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices, 2/14/2018
- LD 1726 – An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Elections , 1/3/2018
- LD 1646 An Act to Bring Maine's Ranked Choice Voting Law into Constitutional Compliance, 10/16/2017
- LD 1561 – An Act to Enact the Maine Citizens’ Initiatives Clean Election Act. , 5/8/2017
- LD 1285 An Act To Tax Political Expenditures Made Immediately before an Election , 4/27/2017
- LD 1480 An Act To Improve the Disclosure of Major Contributors Influencing Maine Elections, 4/24/2017
- LD 1397 An Act To Amend the Maine Clean Election Act, 4/24/2017
- LD 1368 – An Act to Amend Funding Distributions under the Maine Clean Election Act, 4/21/2017
- LD 1232: An Act To Require the Secretary of State To Automatically Register Nonregistered Persons Who Are Qualified To Vote through Records of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, 4/18/2017
- LD 1174 – An Act To Clarify the Use of Public Money for Bulk Mailing in the Election Process, 4/10/2017
- LD 1210 – An Act Regarding the Maine Clean Election Fund, 4/10/2017
- LD 1211 – An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Legislative Political Action Committees, 4/10/2017
- LD 1122 – An Act To Amend the Campaign Reports and Finances Law and the Maine Clean Election Act, 4/3/2017
- LD 1046 – An Act To Require Clean Election Candidates To Purchase Services from Maine-based Companies, 3/27/2017
- LD 961 – An Act To Improve the Cost-efficiency of Funds Disbursed under the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/27/2017
- LD 1033 – An Act To Eliminate the 24-hour Reporting Requirement Under the Election Laws, 3/27/2017
- LD 791 -- An Act Regarding Advertisements by Maine Clean Election Act Candidates, 3/22/2017
- LD 793 - – An Act To Limit Campaign Independent Expenditures, 3/22/2017
- Reply Brief of League of Women Voters and MCCE on Ranked Choice Voting, 3/20/2017
- LD 716 – An Act to Improve Requirements for Reporting to the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices, 3/17/2017
- LD 585 – An Act to Allow Cash Qualifying Contributions under the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/8/2017
- MCCE Brief to Maine Supreme Judicial Court on Ranked Choice Voting, 3/3/2017
- LD 459 – Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 3: Maine Clean Election Act and Related Provisions, a Major Substantive Rule of the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices, 3/1/2017
- LD 390, An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the , 2/28/2017
- LD 413 – An Act To Limit the Influence of Lobbyists by Expanding the Prohibition on Accepting Political Contributions, 2/27/2017
- LD 408 – An Act to Prohibit Taxpayer-funded Campaign Expenditures from Being Used on Post-election Parties., 2/27/2017
- LD 394 – An Act Regarding Terminology in Campaign Finance Law, 2/27/2017
- LD 543 – An Act Regarding Political Action Committee Expenditures, 2/27/2017
- LD 300 – An Act To Preserve Funding for the Maine Clean Election Act by Removing Gubernatorial Candidates from Eligibility (Rep. Sutton), 2/17/2017
- LD 126 – An Act To Establish New Monetary Caps for Legislative Candidates under the Maine Clean Election Act, 2/7/2017