Each legislative session there are a number of bills relating to the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) and other campaign finance reform. The Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs of the Maine State Legislature has jurisdiction over election law and holds hearings to receive testimony on these matters. To see testimony and public comment submitted to the Ethics Commission, click here.
127th Legislature (2015-2016)
- LD 1688 – An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Funding of Maine Clean Election Act Candidates, 3/31/2016
- LD 1666 - Major Substantive Rules, 3/23/2016
- LD 1666 Major Substantive Rules, 3/23/2016
- LD 1606 - An Act to Provide Funding to the Maine Budget Stabilization Fund, 3/7/2016
- LD 1579 An Act Regarding the Maine Clean Election Fund, 2/23/2016
- LD 1509 An Act to Simplify the Filing of Campaign Independent Expenditure and 24-hour Reports, 1/6/2016
- LD 1290 An Act to Repeal the Maine Clean Election Act (Alison Smith Testimony), 4/24/2015
- LD 1290 An Act to Repeal the Maine Clean Election Act (Ed Youngblood Testimony), 4/24/2015
- LD 1192 An Act Regarding Campaign Finance Reform, 4/14/2015
- LD 619 An Act to Prohibit the Participation of Candidates and Legislators in Political Action Committees and Non-Profit Entities Conducting Political Activities, 3/30/2015
- LD 904 An Act to Increase Fairness in Campaign Spending, 3/30/2015
- LD 617 An Act to Change Municipal Campaign Contribution Limits, 3/30/2015
- LD 532 An Act to Prohibit Clean Election Candidates from Accepting Special Interest Money through a Political Party or Political Action Committee, 3/20/2015
- LD 383 An Act to Require Corporations to Have Approval from a Majority of their Shareholders Before Making Political Contributions Valued at Greater Than $5,000, 3/2/2015
- LD 334 An Act to Improve the Maine Clean Election Act, 3/2/2015
- An Act to Amend the Lobbyist Disclosure Procedures Law, 3/2/2015
- LD 204 An Act to Prohibit Certain Activities by Clean Election Candidates, 2/23/2015
- LD175 An Act to Limit Clean Election Funding to First-Time Candidates, 2/23/2015
- LD189 An Act to Prohibit Undisclosed Political Spending, 2/23/2015
- LD174 An Act to Prohibit the Raising of Money by Clean Election Candidates, 2/23/2015
- LD15 An Act to Increase Transparency in Campaign Financing in Legislative Elections, 2/4/2015