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In the Press
Letters to the Editor
The gift of clean elections, LTE, Susie Stedman, Boothbay Register, 12/30/2015
Leaders must act on Clean Elections, LTE, Louisa Beckett, The Bangor Daily News, 11/27/2015
Clean Elections voted in, now legislature must act, LTE, Charlotte Phillips, The Portland Press Herald, 11/22/2015
The Sudden End of FreshPAC, LTE, Zachary Weinstein, The Washington Post, 11/13/2015
Yes on Question 1, LTE, Martha Dickinson, The Bangor Daily News, 10/31/2015
Clean Elections Don't Cost Much, LTE, Carmen Lavertu, The Bangor Daily News, 10/31/2015
Yes on state's question 1 strengthens Clean Elections, LTE, Andrew Cadot, The Portland Press Herald, 10/31/2015
Get Big Money Out of Politics, LTE, Dan Tremble, The Bangor Daily News, 10/30/2015
Preserve Clean Elections, LTE, Larry Litchfield, The Bangor Daily News, 10/30/2015
Yes on 1 for Elections with Integrity, LTE, Jackie Sartoris, The Times Record, 10/29/2015
Vote Yes on Question 1, LTE, Steve Melchiskey, The Free Press, 10/29/2015
Vote Yes on Question 1, LTE, Chris Rector, The Free Press, 10/29/2015
Yes on Question 1, LTE, Carmen Lavertu, The Free Press, 10/29/2015
Statewide Question 1 means much transparency, LTE, Chris Hafford, The Portland Press Herald, 10/29/2015
Don't Forget to Vote for Question #1, LTE, Beedy Parker, The Free Press, 10/29/2015
Boland Supports Question 1, LTE, Andrea Boland, Foster's Daily Democrat, 10/28/2015
Maine's Voters can lead the fight against the money in politics, LTE, Joan Saxe, The Portland Press Herald, 10/28/2015
Campaigns, Elections and Rank Choice Voting, LTE, Carole Sargent, The Times Record, 10/28/2015
Small business backs statewide Question 1; big business does not, LTE, Andrea Boland, The Portland Press Herald, 10/28/2015
Doubt How Money Corrupts? Just Listen to Trump, LTE, Steve Melchiskey, The Portland Press Herald, 10/27/2015
Harmon won't acknowledge shortcomings of campaign finance status quo, LTE, Nancy O'Hagan, The Portland Press Herald, 10/27/2015
Clean Elections Initiative good law for all Mainers, LTE, Tom Berger, The Kennebec Journal, 10/27/2015
Maine Chamber's Opposition to Question 1 Based on Members Self Interest, LTE, Janice Cooper, The Portland Press Herald, 10/27/2015
Transparency of big campaign donors essential to democracy, LTE, Jarryl Larson, The Portland Press Herald, 10/27/2015
Clean, accountable elections won't cost the taxpayers, LTE, Dick Atlee, The Portland Press Herald, 10/27/2015
Campaign Finance Reform Calls for True Transparency, LTE, Judy LaBrasca, The Portland Press Herald, 10/26/2015
Big Money Talks, LTE, Steve Melchiskey, The Bangor Daily News, 10/26/2015
Clean Elections funding works, LTE, Sam Jenkins, The Bangor Daily News, 10/26/2015
Vote Yes on Question 1, LTE, Nancy Hoop,, 10/26/2015
Vote yes on state ballot question one for transparency, LTE, Andrea Thompson McCall, The Portland Press Herald, 10/26/2015
Wide Spectrum of Voters supporting yes on Question 1, LTE, Ron Bilancia, 10/25/2015
Clean Elections or Dirty, LTE, Jim Wellehan, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 10/25/2015
Question 1 would protect us from unknown donors, LTE, Roger Condit, The Kennebec Journal, 10/25/2015
Vote for Question 1 to help clean up our elections, LTE, Gil Harris, The Portland Press Herald, 10/24/2015
For Chamber, corporate tax loopholes trump accountable elections, LTE, Will Ikard, Maine Beacon, 10/23/2015
Don't Forget to Vote for Question #1, LTE, Beedy Parker, 10/23/2015
Question 1 and the Future of Democracy, LTE, John Buell, Mount Desert Islander, 10/23/2015
Yes on 1, LTE, Diane Smith , The Free Press, 10/22/2015
Yes on Question 1, civility needed in public discourse, LePage not above law, LTE, Dick Atlee , The Bangor Daily News, 10/22/2015
Negative Attention on Question 1 a Mystery, LTE, Ted Perrin , The Kennebec Journal, 10/22/2015
Statewide Question 1 would strengthen clean elections, LTE, Lily Cuellar , The Portland Press Herald, 10/21/2015
Support democratic process by voting ‘yes’ on Question 1, LTE, Mary Ann Larson, The Portland Press Herald, 10/19/2015
LePage's "scam', LTE, Michael W. Grondin, The Bangor Daily News, 10/19/2015
Vote yes on Question 1, LTE, Cindy Todd , The Bangor Daily News, 10/17/2015
Americans hate big money in politics, Mainers have an opportunity to do something about it , LTE, Robert W. Glover, The Bangor Daily News, 10/17/2015
Yes on Question 1, LTE, Richard Bissell , The Bangor Daily News, 10/15/2015
Letter to the editor: Yes on Question 1 lets voices of all Mainers be heard, LTE, Susan Peck, The Portland Press Herald, 10/12/2015
A 'yes' vote on Question 1 returns elections to the hands of Maine voters, LTE, By Edward Youngblood, The Bangor Daily News, 10/12/2015
• Voting yes on Question 1 limits role of money in elections, LTE, Jill Barkley, The Portland Press Herald, 10/12/2015
Vote Yes on One, LTE, Molly Bogart, The Times Record, 10/10/2015
George Mitchell, Angus King Step Into Question 1 Debate, LTE, Christopher Cousins, The Bangor Daily News, 10/1/2015
Question 1 puts election back in people’s hands, LTE, Elizabeth McKenney , The Kennebec Journal, 9/28/2015
Of, by and for the people, LTE, David A. White, The Ellsworth American, 9/18/2015
Question 1 would reform campaign finance system, LTE, Kate Newkirk, The Kennebec Journal, 8/9/2015
Referendum will reform campaign finance system, LTE, The Kennebec Journal, 7/6/2015
Referendum will reform campaign finance system, LTE, Cheryl Abruzzese, The Kennebec Journal, 7/2/2015
Increased accountability, LTE, Lydia Cox, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 6/21/2015
Restore clean elections law to fight corporate influence, LTE, Tom Mikulka, The Portland Press Herald, 6/6/2015
Elections referendum, LTE, Suzanne Kelly, The Bangor Daily News, 6/5/2015
Broken political process in dire need of repair, LTE, Kay Wilkins, The Ellsworth American, 6/5/2015
Support Maine's Clean Elections Initiative, LTE, Alexander Eisenhauer, The Forecaster, 6/1/2015
Support Clean Elections, LTE, Laura Donnelly, The Bangor Daily News, 5/30/2015
Restoring government “of, by and for the people”, LTE, John Bradford, The Ellsworth American, 5/29/2015
Voters Can Strengthen Maine’s Clean Election System, LTE, Andrew Stevenson, The Bangor Daily News, 5/28/2015
Support Maine's Clean Elections Initiative, LTE, Tracie Reed, The Forecaster, 5/18/2015
Lead on clean elections, LTE, Meredith Ares, The Bangor Daily News, 5/13/2015
The Growing Movement Fighting Big Money in Politics, LTE, Larry Cohen and Michael Brune, Roll Call, 5/12/2015
Bill would repeal Maine’s Clean Elections Act, LTE, Joan Sturmthal, The Kennebec Journal, 5/11/2015
Money and politics, LTE, Madison Cook, The Bangor Daily News, 5/7/2015
Restore the Maine Clean Elections System, LTE, Martha Conway-Cole, The Free Press, 4/30/2015
Clean elections initiative, LTE, James Merkel, The Bangor Daily News, 4/27/2015
Clean initiative, LTE, Martha Conway-Cole , The Bangor Daily News, 4/24/2015
Clean up elections, LTE, Laurie Cartier, The Bangor Daily News, 4/23/2015
An accountable democracy, LTE, Brendon Bass, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 4/21/2015
Parry off on clean elections initiative, LTE, Rachel Maloney-Hawkins,, 4/16/2015
Clean Elections Initiative volunteers give hope, LTE, Joseph Shagoury, The Kennebec Journal, 3/23/2015
Ban PACs, LTE, Susan Hill , The Bangor Daily News, 3/18/2015
Everyone should vote for clean elections mandate, LTE, Carol Selsberg,, 3/16/2015
End leadership PACs, LTE, David Blocher, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 3/14/2015
Special interest money, LTE, Cindy Todd, The Bangor Daily News, 3/13/2015
Election Funding Reform, LTE, Gary Friedmann, The Bangor Daily News, 3/9/2015
Money and politics, LTE, Sam Jenkins , The Bangor Daily News, 3/2/2015
Clean Elections summit, LTE, Suzanne Kelly, The Bangor Daily News, 2/26/2015
Attend the clean election conference, LTE, Susan van Alsenoy, Wiscasset Newspaper, 2/23/2015
Maine needs to halt outside money in elections, LTE, Linda Wilcox, The Kennebec Journal, 2/23/2015
Clean Elections Initiative will rein in election money, LTE, Nancy Hoop, The Portland Press Herald, 2/11/2015
Maine Citizens for Clean Elections Submits 85,185 Signatures, LTE, Susan van Alsenoy, The Free Press, 1/29/2015
Legislators Should Heed Voters' Will, Jolene Lovejoy, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 12/29/2015
Augusta should make implementing Clean Election initiative a priority, Chris Rector, The Bangor Daily News, 12/8/2015
Across the Country, Voters Want to Limit Money's Control of Politics, 11/16/2015
Is Campaign Finance Reform Coming?, 11/15/2015
Election brings good news for democracy, Barry Kaufmann, 11/12/2015
Hilary Clinton's Corruption Problem and Saturday's Debate, Zephyr Teachout, The Huffington Post, 11/12/2015
How to End Corruption of Campaigns, Jonathan Soros, CNN, 11/12/2015
From Coast to Coast, Voters are Fighting for a Democracy that Works for Them, Andrew Bossie, The Hill, 11/11/2015
Maine and Seattle Show Nation We Can Fight Big Money, David Donnelly, 11/9/2015
Clean Elections' second big win plus Election Day vote win equals pro-reform Maine, Amy Fried, The Bangor Daily News, 11/4/2015
In Maine, Lessons for Money in Politics Activists, Mark Caplan, The Huffington Post, 11/4/2015
Putting the Public Back Into Elections, Douglas Rooks,, 11/1/2015
Yes on Statewide Question 1 would clean up a dark, off-the-books corner of Maine politics, Mike Tipping, The Portland Press Herald, 10/31/2015
Maine has another chance for clean elections, Shenna Bellows, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 10/28/2015
Maine's motto means 'I lead'. Maine can lead on Clean Elections, Kathy Bourgoin, The Bangor Daily News, 10/28/2015
Question 1 a big step toward fixing broken campaign finance system, Sherry Huber, The Bangor Daily News, 10/25/2015
Keeping Maine clean requires a yes vote in November, George Smith, The Morning Sentinel, 10/14/2015
Voters need to support Question 1 Angus King Says, ANGUS KING, The Portland Press Herald, 10/9/2015
Vital Issues on Nov 3 Ballot, Jill Goldthwait, Mount Desert Islander, 10/8/2015
Clean election laws need to be strengthened, Sharon Peralta, The Journal Tribune, 8/13/2015
Senator Chris Johnson—Restoring government by, of, and for the people—, Sen. Chris Johnson, The Free Press, 8/6/2015
The Campaign Everyone Should Be Talking About - No, Not Hilary's, Cameron Fegers, The Huffington Post, 6/24/2015
Maine Leading the Way on Government of, for and by the People, Benjamin T. Brickner, The Huffington Post, 6/16/2015
Get the money out of politics, Ron McAllister,, 6/9/2015
Thinking Upstream: Winning Real Mental Health Reform By Joining the Anti-Corruption Movement, Will Hall , Mad in America, 6/5/2015
When the Supreme Court is this wrong, it’s time to overrule them, Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jeff Clements, Reuters, 6/2/2015
I flew a gyrocopter onto the Capitol lawn to save our democracy, Doug Hughes, The Bangor Daily News, 5/16/2015
Here’s how we can shine light on dark money trying to win your vote, Roger Katz and Anne Haskell, The Bangor Daily News, 5/8/2015
Maine clean elections law could provide model for the country, Ben Cohen, The Hill, 3/25/2015
Tell the election success stories, too, Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Washington Post, 3/24/2015
Legislators can abolish leadership PACs, John Brautigam, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 3/8/2015
Clean Elections Initiative would restore funding, strengthen disclosure laws, Peter Garrett, The Kennebec Journal, 3/7/2015
He Said, She Said: Do we really get the common good through 'clean' elections?, Cynthia Dill, The Bangor Daily News, 3/6/2015
Maine Shows That Publicly Financed Elections Really Can Work, Andrew Bossie, Bill Moyers & Company, 2/26/2015
Anyone should be able to run for public office, Jolene Lovejoy, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 2/15/2015
Maine Voices: Small-business owners working to reclaim their seats at political table, Melanie A Collins, The Portland Press Herald, 2/12/2015
Republican legislator: Supporting campaign finance reform is a conservative value, Ed Youngblood, The National Memo, 1/20/2015
Press Clips
Maine's Clean Election Reform now the law, Maine Insights, 12/23/2015
Maine Gets F Grade in 2015 State Integrity Investigation, Dave Sherwood, Pine Tree Watchdog, 11/9/2015
Question 1: 2015 Maine Clean Elections, WAGM-8, 11/9/2015
Question 1 May Have Passed, But Lawmakers Still Have to Figure Out How to Fund It, AJ Higgins, Maine PBN, 11/6/2015
Maine and Seattle Pass Clean Elections Measures, Taking a Stand Against Money in Politics, Jake Horowitz, 11/4/2015
Voters approve Clean Elections Referendum and two bond questions, Bill Pearson, Boothbay Register, 11/4/2015
Takeaways from Tuesday's Election, The New York Times, 11/4/2015
Maine, Seattle Pave Next Path For Campaign Finance Reform, Paul Blumenthal, The Huffington Post, 11/4/2015
Maine voters pass campaign finance reform, Chris Cousins, The Bangor Daily News, 11/4/2015
Mainers support Clean Elections, bonds on Election Day, Samuel Shepard, The Maine Campus, 11/4/2015
Maine Votes to Strengthen Clean Election Laws, AJ Higgins, Maine PBN, 11/4/2015
Mainers bolster Clean Election law, WCSH-6, 11/3/2015
Maine Backs Post-Citizens United Campaign Finance Initiative, The Huffington Post, 11/3/2015
Three Ballot Initiatives thaqt Could Change How Americans vote, Bill Moyers, Rasmussen Reports, 11/2/2015
Citizen's initiative, bond questions, curbside pickup make up November 3rd ballot, Ben Hanstein, 10/30/2015
Eye on Augusta: Question 1 and the Future of Maine's Clean Election Program, Andy O'Brien, The Free Press, 10/29/2015
Clean Elections: Part 1, John Krinjak, WABI-5, 10/29/2015
Lawmakers Weigh in on Question 1, Angelo Verzoni, The Journal Tribune, 10/27/2015
Governor's remarks evoke concerns of sexism, Brooke Bailey, The Maine Campus, 10/26/2015
With Election Day Looming, Here's What You Need to Know about the Statewide Ballot Questions, Irwin Gratz, Maine PBN, 10/26/2015
Maine Clean Elections Measure Sparks Debate, Deborah McDermott, Foster's Daily Democrat, 10/25/2015
Governor LePage's Checkbook Joke Falls Flat with Women, WGME-13, 10/24/2015
Gov. LePage says public campaign financing like “giving your wife your checkbook”, Beacon Staff, Maine Beacon, 10/22/2015
Question 1 no less than a battle to save our besieged democracy, Alan Caron, The Portland Press Herald, 10/22/2015
Business Groups Take Different Sides on Question 1, Chris Rose, WCSH-6, 10/22/2015
LePage calls Question 1 a ‘scam’ during Auburn town hall, Kevin Miller, The Portland Press Herald, 10/22/2015
Term limits, road signs: A wish list for much-needed political reform, George Smith, The Kennebec Journal, 10/21/2015
Maine State Chamber of Commerce opposes Question 1, Michael Shepherd, The Bangor Daily News, 10/21/2015
Maine State Chamber of Commerce, other business groups oppose Question 1, Kevin Miller, The Portland Press Herald, 10/21/2015
Bipartisanship breaks out over Clean Elections, Amy Fried, The Bangor Daily News, 10/21/2015
Maine Calling with Roger Katz and Joel Stetkis, Keith Shortall, Maine PBN, 10/20/2015
Mainers wanted Clean Elections system so candidates would focus on issues, Lisa Miller, The Morning Sentinel, 10/20/2015
Question 1 arguments: Cleaner elections or ‘welfare’ for politicians?, KEVIN MILLER , The Portland Press Herald, 10/19/2015
Referendum would reform Maine’s Clean Elections law, Jill Goldthwait, The Ellsworth American, 10/19/2015
Republicans spar on Question 1 election reform proposals, Dawn Gagnon, BDN Staff, The Bangor Daily News, 10/16/2015
Question 1 opponents overreach, Michael Shepard, The Bangor Daily News, 10/16/2015
Legislators to hold clean election forum, Staff Reports, The Journal Tribune, 10/13/2015
Question 1: The Maine Clean Election Act explained, Michael Shepard, The Bangor Daily News, 10/12/2015
Capitol Notebook: Voters will decide new campaign funding rules, Marian McCue, The Forecaster, 10/6/2015
Politicians Taking Sides on Campaing Finance Referendum, Mal Leary, Maine PBN, 10/2/2015
Ethics Commission Seeks Stronger Campaign Finance Disclosure Laws, A. J. Higgins, Maine PBN, 9/25/2015
Free screening of ‘Election’ at Colonial, Village Soup, 9/22/2015
Spreading the word about Question 1, WGME-13, 9/20/2015
Volunteers speak with voters about Question 1 , WMTW-8, 9/20/2015
September 19th was Day of Action for strengthening Maine's Clean Election system, Maine Insights, 9/19/2015
Maine Small Business Coalition joins campaign finance reform push, Scott Thistle, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 9/18/2015
Ric Tyler Show Interviews Roger Katz and Yes on 1, George Hale, WVOM 101.3, 9/15/2015
Maine voters could restore 'clean elections' system, Paul Blumenthal, The Huffington Post, 9/4/2015
Maine public campaign financing push bucks national tide, Christopher Cousins,, 9/3/2015
Group Opens Bangor Office for Clean Election Act, WABI-5, 8/30/2015
Campaign for Maine finance reform ballot question kicks off, Mario Moretto, The Bangor Daily News, 7/28/2015
State and local bills try to rein in political spending, Tarini Parti, Politico, 6/14/2015
Democrats' Supreme Court Litmus Test: Citizens United , Sahil Kapur, Bloomberg, 6/4/2015
How to Make Friends and Influence Elections , Phil Mattingly , Bloomberg, 6/3/2015
Poll Shows Americans Favor an Overhaul of Campaign Financing, Nicholas Confessore and Megan Thee-Brenan, The New York Times, 6/2/2015
WZON Pulse Morning Show Interview, 5/22/2015
Ric Tyler Show Interviews Sen. Ed Youngblood on Mainers for Accountable Elections, WVOM 101.3, 5/22/2015
Campaign coalesces to support campaign finance reform in November, Mario Moretto, The Bangor Daily News, 5/21/2015
Grassroots coalition to spearhead support of election reform referendum in Maine, Maine Insights, 5/21/2015
Mainers among statehouse GOP nationwide pushing for campaign disclosure, Jeanne Cummings, Bloomberg, The Bangor Daily News, 5/4/2015
Lawmakers cool to bill to repeal Clean Election law, Alanna Durkin, The Portland Press Herald, 4/24/2015
Bill to Repeal Maine's Clean Elections Law Comes Under Fire , A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN, 4/24/2015
Lawmakers consider Clean Election changes after PAC drama, Scott Thistle, The Bangor Daily News, 4/1/2015
Campaign Finance Reform Turns to Reward and Punishment, The New York Times, 3/25/2015
Democrats learn about 2015 ‘Clean Elections’ ballot initiative, Tom Eichler, Boothbay Register, 3/24/2015
Ben & Jerry's co-creator works to get money out of politics, Jesse Scardina,, 3/16/2015
Maine Voters to Decide Fate of Bill to Expand Public Financing for Candidates, Mal Leary, Maine PBN, 3/11/2015
Maine secretary of state OKs clean election signatures, Associated Press, The Associated Press, 2/18/2015
Clean Elections Proposal Step Closer to Ballot , Jennifer Mitchell , Maine PBN, 2/18/2015
Signatures submitted to qualify the Clean Elections Initiative for 2015 ballot, Ramona du Houx, Maine Insights, 1/22/2015
Daily Brief: LePage preparing 20 budget bills; clean elections headed back to the ballot, Christopher Cousins, The Bangor Daily News, 1/21/2015
Maine Clean Elections Advocates Submit Signatures for Overhaul Initiative , Mal Leary, Maine PBN, 1/21/2015
Campaign Finance Reform: Not Just for Democrats?, Zoe Carpenter, The Nation, 1/21/2015
Maine Group Earns 85,000 Signatures For Clean Elections Initiative, Erica Stapleton, WABI-5, 1/21/2015
Maine Citizens for Clean Elections looks to bolster candidate financing, Alanna Durkin, The Portland Press Herald, 1/19/2015
Maine group looks to bolster public financing elections law, Alanna Durkin, The San Francisco Chronicle, 1/18/2015
Maine group looks to revive campaign finance reform, Deborah McDermott,, 1/11/2015
Daily Brief: The curtain opens on new Congress, LePage’s second term, Mario Moretto, The Bangor Daily News, 1/8/2015
Reading the tea leaves of LePage’s inaugural address, Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald, 1/8/2015
Our Opinion: Clean Election Reform Just Began with Question 1, The Portland Press Herald, 11/16/2015
With Question 1, Maine took step toward more transparent elections, The Bangor Daily News, 11/4/2015
Our Position: Vote 'yes' on statewide Question 1 for Clean Election reform, The Portland Press Herald, 10/29/2015
Are Maine Tax Incentives Doing Their Jobs? We Just Don't Know, The Bangor Daily News, 10/23/2015
Question 1 is Maine’s chance to keep politics the domain of everyday people, The BDN Editorial Board, The Bangor Daily News, 10/21/2015
Young People in Maine Are Fighting Back Against Money in Politics - And Winning, Policy.Mic, 10/10/2015
Question 1 choice is simple, Ed Youngblood,, 9/16/2015
The Real Security Threat: Big Money in Politics, Donna Brazile, Roll Call, 6/3/2015
Our View: Leadership PACs create loophole in Maine races, The Portland Press Herald, 3/8/2015
Maine clean elections effort engenders hope, Foster's Daily Democrat, 1/11/2015
The New Face of Big Money Politics, Tom Ashbrook, National Public Radio, 11/11/2015
The Battle Over Campaign Finance Reform is Changing. Here's How, Josh Silver, The Washington Post, 11/7/2015
Across the Aisle: Ballot Referenda and the Lewiston Mayor's Race, Dick Woodbury, Maine PBN, 10/31/2015
The Three Stupidest Arguments Against Question 1, Mike Tipping, The Bangor Daily News, 10/29/2015
Its Time to Debunk Five Mistaken Arguments Against Question 1, Amy Fried, The Bangor Daily News, 10/29/2015
Suzanne Kelly from Maine Small Business Coalition, WZON The Pulse, 10/23/2015
Clean Elections on Ken & Mike, WGAN 105.5, 1/21/2015
Clean Elections Can Work: A Conversation With Maine Sen. Ed Youngblood, Francoise Stovall , 1/13/2015