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In the Press
Another View: Strengthen Clean Election Act to defend against outside money , Chris McCoy, The Portland Press Herald , 12/28/2012
Our View: Outside groups distort campaign financing , The Portland Press Herald , 12/26/2012
A Broken Election System , The New York Times , 11/21/2012
Justice Alito, Citizens United and the Press , The New York Times , 11/19/2012
OUR VIEW: Money now flooding state's political process , The Lewiston Sun Journal , 11/4/2012
How Bangor candidates became pawns in their race for Maine Senate , The Bangor Daily News , 11/2/2012
Support of Clean Elections is good for Maine politics , The Journal Tribune , 10/31/2012
Our View: Money is transforming Maine legislative politics , The Portland Press Herald , 10/29/2012
Money in Politics , Will Everitt, The Portland Daily Sun , 10/25/2012
OUR OPINION: Money pouring in, drowning out 'clean' candidates , The Kennebec Journal , 10/14/2012
Our View: Campaign spending spree calls for new referendum , The Portland Press Herald , 10/14/2012
Our View: Political spending threatens democracy , The Portland Press Herald , 9/23/2012
Corporate Contributions and Disclosure , The New York Times , 9/9/2012
How to improve financial reporting of Maine PACs , The Bangor Daily News , 8/29/2012
Give Small Political Donors a Voice , The New York Times , 8/23/2012
Elections for Sale? , The Ellsworth American , 7/29/2012
Our View: Maine senators voted wrong on disclosure , The Portland Press Herald , 7/21/2012
Public Campaign Financing Better Than Tainted Cash , The Hartford Courant , 7/17/2012
Our View: To DISCLOSE is an act of courage, light , The Lewiston Sun Journal , 6/30/2012
Our View: Outlook dire, says report on Maine PACs , The Lewiston Sun Journal , 6/10/2012
Influence of PACs in local politics is disconcerting , The Journal Tribune , 6/9/2012
Our View: Wisconsin results show need for finance reform , The Portland Press Herald , 6/7/2012
Our View: Congress should pass DISCLOSE Act , The Maine Sunday Telegram , 5/27/2012
Super PACs should cast light on donors' names , The Kennebec Journal , 5/27/2012
An Idea Worth Saving , The New York Times , 5/6/2012
Our View: Legislative changes take toll on Clean Elelction , The Portland Press Herald , 4/25/2012
Voices of many diminshed by money of a few , The Lewiston Sun Journal , 4/17/2012
Education, taxes and generosity , The Lewiston Sun Journal , 4/14/2012
A Judge Turns on the Light , The New York Times , 4/2/2012
Clean Elections system should not be weakened , The Journal Tribune , 3/29/2012
When Other Voices Are Drowned Out , The New York Times , 3/26/2012
Our View: Changes will damage Clean Election system , The Portland Press Herald , 3/16/2012
Matching Funds Can Make A Vital Difference , Village Soup , 2/24/2012
Ending secret money in politics , The Washington Post , 2/19/2012
Attacks on Disclosure, Editorial, New York Times , The New York Times , 2/11/2012
Voters have a right to know political donors , The Journal Tribune , 2/4/2012
Money and Politics , The Ellsworth American , 1/26/2012
Our Opinion: Candidates rate second chance to earn "clean" funds , The Kennebec Journal , 1/15/2012
Our View: Lawmakers should fix, not gut, Clean Elections , The Portland Press Herald , 1/15/2012
Press Clips
In Maine, outsiders outspent candidates for first-time ever , Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald , 12/20/2012
Ethics panel fines pro-gay-marriage group , Susan Cover, The Portland Press Herald , 12/19/2012
Campaign spending hit unprecedented levels , Kevin Miller, The Portland Press Herald , 12/13/2012
Report: Maine 'clean' candidates find success , AP, The Boston Globe , 12/7/2012
What’s the Future for Campaign Finance Reform? , Azmat Khan, PBS , 11/19/2012
Council supports Citzens United effort , Michael Kelley , Scarborough Leader , 11/16/2012
States Challenge ‘Secret’ Campaign Money , Ben Wieder, Stateline , 11/15/2012
POLL: Voters Hate Super PACs, Want More Campaign Finance Disclosure , Josh Israel, 11/14/2012
Political spending triggers backlash for Mainers , John Richardson, The Portland Press Herald , 11/13/2012
Campaign Finance Reformers Get Back To Work After Record Election Spending , Paul Blumenthal, The Huffington Post , 11/13/2012
Outside campaign funds flooded state in negativity , Colin Woodard, The Portland Press Herald , 11/11/2012
2012 legislative races most expensive in history; targeted spending led to Democrats retaking control of Legislature , Matthew Stone, The Bangor Daily News , 11/10/2012
In control of State House, Democrats to aid workers , Steve Mistler, The Morning Sentinel , 11/7/2012
Sen. Snowe Prepares to Fight Hyper-Partisanship from Outside Congress , Susan Sharon, Maine PBN , 11/6/2012
Maine campaign spending by outside groups shatters record , Steve Mistler, The Kennebec Journal , 11/2/2012
By the numbers: Third party spending on Maine legislative races , Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald , 11/1/2012
Republican group dumps another $365k into Maine races , Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald , 10/27/2012
Third-party spending on legislative races tops $2.5 million , Matthew Stone, The Bangor Daily News , 10/26/2012
Court Rulings Fray Maine's Pioneering Clean Election Law , A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN , 10/26/2012
Significant Increase in Money Being Spent on Influencing State Legislative Races , The Free Press , 10/25/2012
Mauled by Attack Ads, Incumbents Weigh Tighter Rules , Jennifer Steinhauer and Jonathan Weisman, The New York Times , 10/23/2012
Dark Money and Citizens United: What Obama and Romney Would and Wouldn’t Do About It , Justin Elliott, Pro Publica , 10/23/2012
Name Game: Anti-gay marriage funding group under fire , Colin Woodard, The Portland Press Herald , 10/21/2012
Calls to Repeal Citizens' United Ruling Growing in Maine , Susan Sharon, Maine PBN , 10/16/2012
Observers: Politics drive election complaints, but accusations serve purpose , Matthew Stone, The Bangor Daily News , 10/13/2012
Maine Clean Election incumbent now a 'sitting duck' , Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald , 10/6/2012
Same-sex marriage supporters claim opponents not filing donors’ names again , Judy Harrison, The Bangor Daily News , 10/6/2012
Report Examines Money's Influence in Maine Health Insurance Overhaul , Tom Porter, Maine PBN , 10/2/2012
Anti-Gay Marriage Group Loses Appeal in Maine Case , Patty B. Wight, Maine PBN , 10/1/2012
US Supreme Court rejects anti-gay marriage group’s appeal of Maine’s donor disclosure law , Robert Long, The Bangor Daily News , 10/1/2012
Court refuses to hear appeal by anti-gay-marriage group in Maine case , Kevin Miller, The Portland Press Herald , 10/1/2012
'Dark money’ flowing back to issue ads , Kevin Bogardus, The Hill , 9/30/2012
Follow the Money , Gerald Weinand, The Free Press , 9/27/2012
The Super-PAC Economy , John Avlon, The Daily Beast , 9/18/2012
Poll: Strong Support for Campaign Spending Limits , Associated Press, The New York Times , 9/15/2012
Lewiston council calls for federal election spending amendment , Scott Taylor, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 9/6/2012
Money rolling into Maine to back, attack Senate candidates , Scott Thistle, The Bangor Daily News , 8/30/2012
Never Mind Super PACs: How Big Business Is Buying the Election , Lee Fang, The Nation , 8/29/2012
Most Midcoast legislative candidates choose Clean Election funds , George Chappell, Village Soup , 8/21/2012
Elections 2012: Hot on the money trail , John Richardson, The Maine Sunday Telegram , 8/5/2012
Why Campaign Finance Reform is Hard , John Sides, The American Prospect , 8/2/2012
Fewer Maine candidates using Clean Election funds , Glenn Adams, The Kennebec Journal , 7/28/2012
The Leader Board: Maine’s top 10 legislative campaign fundraisers , Matthew Stone, The Bangor Daily News , 7/20/2012
Snowe, Collins help GOP block Disclosure Act , Kevin Miller, The Portland Press Herald , 7/18/2012
Lobbying works in Maine – but only sometimes , Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald , 7/1/2012
Supreme Court refuses to reconsider campaign finance controversy , Josh Levs, CNN , 6/26/2012
State Corporate Campaign Spending Limits Rejected , Mark Sherman, The Associated Press , 6/25/2012
Citizens United Targeted By Local Activists In "Resolutions Week" Push , Paul Blumenthal, The Huffington Post , 6/14/2012
Maine ethics panel pushes to exempt candidate-owned news outlets from campaign finance rules , Matthew Stone, The Bangor Daily News , 6/7/2012
FCC Disclosure Rule Knocked Down by House Panel , Adam Wollner, , 6/6/2012
Big Money: Stuffing the Ballot Box? , Alan Greenblatt, National Public Radio , 6/4/2012
New PAC pours money into pro-racino candidates in Biddeford-Saco , Colin Woodard, The Morning Sentinel , 6/4/2012
Campaign Finance 2012: Where Your Money Can Go , National Public Radio , 6/1/2012
Retired justice says campaign finance ruling made cash king , James Vicini, Reuters , 5/30/2012
Most Americans think campaign money aids rich , Patricia Zengerle, Reuters , 5/24/2012
Money Unlimited , Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker , 5/21/2012
Court ruling may force advocacy groups to disclose secret donors , Matea Gold, The Los Angeles Times , 5/16/2012
Winslow councilors approve resolution to amend Constitution , Ben McCanna, The Morning Sentinel , 5/16/2012
Anti-gay-marriage group still fighting laws in court , Susan M. Cover, The Portland Press Herald , 5/15/2012
Loophole in Clean Election law allows private funds , Colin Woodard, The Portland Press Herald , 5/14/2012
Fewer Maine Primary Candidates Opt for Clean Election Funding , A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN , 5/9/2012
Money in Politics is a Ballot Box Issue , Adam Smith, , 5/9/2012
Big win for reform in Connecticut , Cheri Quickmire, Common Cause Blog , 5/6/2012
Fewer legislative candidates using Clean Elections funds , John Richardson, The Portland Press Herald , 4/24/2012
Don't Blame "Corporate Personhood" , Garrett Epps, The American Prospect , 4/16/2012
Presidential visits , The Portland Daily Sun , 4/13/2012
Clean Elections imperiled by "reform" , Gina Hamilton, The New Maine Times , 4/4/2012
MPBN, others argue against LePage budget , Susan M. Cover, The Portland Press Herald , 3/22/2012
Is it time for Wisconsin to come clean on campaign finance? Maine's system for publicly financed campaigns could work here , Erik Gunn, The Daily Page , 3/22/2012
Maine Clean Election Supporters Urge Restoration of Cuts to Fund , A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN , 3/21/2012
Maine House supports Clean Election law reform , Steve Mistler, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 3/15/2012
Vote cuts Clean Election match funds , John Richardson, The Portland Press Herald , 3/15/2012
House approves Clean Elections bill; opponents say it will weaken system , Eric Russell, The Bangor Daily News , 3/15/2012
House ends matching funds to candidates in Clean Elections program , The Portland Daily Sun , 3/15/2012
Poll: Voters want Super PACs to be illegal , Chris Cillizza, The Washington Post , 3/13/2012
GOP contest shaping up to be cheapest race in years , Dan Eggen, The Washington Post , 3/12/2012
Campaign finance law still has hole after Senate votes , Glenn Adams, The Portland Press Herald , 3/9/2012
Senate drops matching funds from Clean Elections law , The Portland Daily Sun , 3/9/2012
The Numbers Don't Lie , Richard L. Hasen, Slate , 3/9/2012
Senate can't agree on clean elections changes , Ken Christian, WLBZ-2 , 3/8/2012
Maine lawmakers can't agree on Maine Clean Elections bill , The Morning Sentinel , 3/8/2012
Maine Senate Rejects Clean Election Fund Fixes , A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN , 3/8/2012
Maine Senate votes to change funding stream for Clean Elections candidates , Eric Russell, The Bangor Daily News , 3/8/2012
Maine Senate sustains "do-nothing" vote on Clean Elections law , Steve Mistler, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 3/8/2012
Overturning Citizens United Isn't Enough , Corbin Hiar, The Huffington Post , 2/29/2012
U.S. Supreme Court Rejects NOM's Challenge to Maine's Candidate Election Laws , Susan Sharon, Maine PBN , 2/28/2012
The Metaphysics of Citizens United and Campaign Finance Law , Kevin Drum, Mother Jones , 2/26/2012
Legislature delays action on Clean Elections , Village Soup , 2/23/2012
Occupy the Super PACs , Richard L. Hasen, Slate , 2/20/2012
NOM loses campaign disclosure appeal , Maine PBN , 2/1/2012
58% Say U.S. Needs New Campaign Finance Laws , Rasmussen Reports , 1/22/2012
Legislature has to address changes to the Maine Clean Election Act , Eric Russell, The Bangor Daily News , 1/20/2012
Eleven Shocking Facts about Campaign Finance , George Zornick, The Nation , 1/20/2012
Most Midcoast Incumbents Planning to Seek Reelection Come November , Christine Parrish, The Free Press , 1/19/2012
Survey: Campaign finance reform could be major 2012 issue , Aaron Puebla, Campaigns and Elections , 1/19/2012
Portland Council takes stand against corporate personhood , Dennis Hoey, The Portland Press Herald , 1/18/2012
Portland councilors want city to support overturning of 'corporate personhood' ruling , Seth Koenig, The Bangor Daily News , 1/14/2012
Lawmakers Disagree on How to Fix Maine's Clean Elections Law , A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN , 1/9/2012
Committee kills bill on Clean Election exemption for governor candidates , Eric Russell, The Bangor Daily News , 1/5/2012
Committee rejects plan to end public funding for governor candidates, but debate may not be over , Steve Mistler, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 1/5/2012
Three Campaign-Finance Lawsuits on the Heels of "Citizens" , Marcia Coyle, The National Law Journal , 1/3/2012
Citizen Bopp , Viveca Novak, The American Prospect , 1/2/2012
Capital Investments: Thanks to the Citizens United Decision, Money is Swamping our Politics and our Government Like Never Before , Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect , 1/1/2012
Another View: Mainers should support public financing of federal campaigns , Cushman D. Anthony, The Portland Press Herald , 12/15/2012
Political fundraising: 'Enough is enough' , Severin Beliveau, The Portland Press Herald , 12/2/2012
The Universal Notebook: Democracy for sale , Edgar Allen Beem , The Forecaster , 11/26/2012
Citizens United must go , Douglas Rooks, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 11/25/2012
Support a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United , Nancy Galland, The Bangor Daily News , 11/21/2012
Maine Voices: In Maine, across U.S., corporate mouthpiece erodes democratic process , Mike Fink and Nicole Karatzas, The Portland Press Herald , 11/13/2012
Citizens United Is Still Worth Hating , Eric Posner, Slate , 11/10/2012
The cost of legislative races is poisoning the system , Greg Kesich, The Portland Press Herald , 11/7/2012
Maine Voices: Citizens United compromises integrity of campaigns for federal office , Nolan Reichl, The Portland Press Herald , 11/3/2012
Outside money steamrolling Maine , Jill Goldthwait, Mount Desert Islander , 11/1/2012
Democracy belongs to those who show up , Ben McCollister, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 10/14/2012
PAC's attacks give positive campaign a black eye , Bill Nemitz, The Portland Press Herald , 10/10/2012
Maine Voices: Ties between PAC, Farnham's campaign at heart of ethics complaint , Alison Smith , The Portland Press Herald , 10/10/2012
Buying the Election? , Joe Nocera, The New York Times , 10/8/2012
Maine Voices: Changing rules cloud campaign picture , Emily Shaw, The Portland Press Herald , 10/7/2012
Rules May Change, But the Secret Money Game Remains the Same , Ian Vandewalker, The Huffington Post , 10/5/2012
Group returns to spit on law, set Mainers straight , Bill Nemitz, The Portland Press Herald , 10/3/2012
Insurers' contributions skewed to supporters of health care law , Mike Tipping, The Kennebec Journal , 10/2/2012
From Behind the Counter: A Different View of the 47% , Diane Russell, The Huffington Post , 9/19/2012
The political money pit of corruption , Former U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan, Politico , 9/12/2012
Constitutional amendment threats to change PACs a tricky tactic , Ruth Marcus, The Portland Press Herald , 9/6/2012
We Need to Make Campaign Finance a Civil Rights Issue , Leo Hindery, Jr., The Huffington Post , 9/6/2012
Thanks, Citizens United, for This Campaign Finance Mess We're In , Adam Skaggs, The Atlantic , 7/27/2012
Sticking Up For the Small Donor , Richard Briffault, The Atlantic , 7/27/2012
Maine Voices: Maine senators' rejection of Disclose Act helps keep voters in the dark , Jill Ward, The Portland Press Herald , 7/25/2012
Can vouchers fix campaign finance? , Dylan Matthews, The Washington Post , 7/22/2012
Beyond the DISCLOSE Act: What else could Congress do on campaign finance? , Dylan Matthews, The Washington Post , 7/20/2012
Worse than Watergate , Richard Hasen, Slate , 7/19/2012
How Much Has Citizens United Changed the Political Game? , Matt Bai, The New York Times , 7/17/2012
Citizens United is bad for business, too , Amy Domini, The Hill , 7/16/2012
How to Get Our Citizens Actually United , Drew Westen, The New York Times , 7/14/2012
Don't let legislators pass laws that benefit their own re-election , Nolan Reichl, The Bangor Daily News , 7/12/2012
Freedom of campaign money damaging our democracy , George Smith, The Kennebec Journal , 7/6/2012
Senate candidates can't control funding – or can they? , Michael Cuzzi, The Portland Press Herald , 7/1/2012
Billionaires vs. billionaires , E.J. Dionne, The Denver Post , 6/14/2012
The Once-and-for-All Solution to Our Campaign Finance Problems , Laurence H. Tribe, Slate , 6/13/2012
Campaign Finance Reform Does Not Equal Censorship , Doug Schoen, Forbes , 5/30/2012
Citizens United: Democracy for sale , Tom Perriello, Politico , 5/29/2012
Action needed on DISCLOSE , Pamela Cahill, The Bangor Daily News , 5/19/2012
Another View: Clean Election "fix" will bring more mysterious money to Maine , Rep. Mike Carey, The Portland Press Herald , 5/1/2012
Maine Voices: Editorial errs in its judgment of revisions to Clean Election system , Andre Cushing, The Portland Press Herald , 4/30/2012
Democracy relies on the voices of citizens , Maine Council of Churches, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 4/29/2012
How to beat Citizens United , E.J. Dionne, The Washington Post , 4/22/2012
Money Corrupts. Unlimited Money Corrupts Absolutely. , Andrew Rosenthal, The New York Times , 4/12/2012
"Clean elections" system doesn't stop influence of campaign cash , George Smith, The Kennebec Journal , 3/28/2012
Another View: Speaker way off base in Clean Election column , Alison Smith, The Portland Press Herald , 3/28/2012
Maine Voices: Clean Elections may not be best use of public money , Rep. Robert Nutting, The Portland Press Herald , 3/19/2012
The Soapy Art of Clean Elections , Bob Higgins, The Portland Daily Sun , 3/17/2012
ACR Co-Chair Alan Simpson Speaks Out In Support of Maine’s Clean Elections Law , Alan Simpson, Americans for Campaign Reform , 3/14/2012
Mainers won't take kindly to messing with Clean Elections , Douglas Rooks, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 3/12/2012
Maine Clean Elections System Hits Speed Bump , Andre Cushing, The Bangor Daily News , 3/6/2012
Money Throws Democracy Overboard , Bill Moyers, Common Dreams , 2/14/2012
Recovering Democracy After Citizens United , Rep. Chellie Pingree, The Huffington Post , 2/9/2012
Keeping Maine values in Maine elections , Former State Senate President Richard Bennett, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 2/5/2012
Why Maine Should Value Clean Elections , Wells Lyons, The Portland Daily Sun , 1/31/2012
Maine's Clean Election Act works, and deserves support , Nolan Reichl, The Bar Harbor Times , 1/26/2012
Clean Elections and You , Rep. Andrew O'Brien, Village Soup , 1/24/2012
Letters to the Editor
Citizens United ruling destined to be overturned , LTE, Louis T. Sigel, The Portland Press Herald , 12/9/2012
'Citizens United' decision affects us , LTE, Kevin Simpson, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 12/3/2012
Citizens United silences those without deep pockets , LTE, Sean Hanson, The Portland Press Herald , 11/28/2012
Cash out , LTE, Dick Atlee, Mount Desert Islander , 11/22/2012
Frank column a minority opinion , LTE, Cushman D. Anthony , The Forecaster , 11/19/2012
Clean Election law shows how to fix money problem , LTE, BJ McCollister, The Portland Press Herald , 10/15/2012
Greed seems to rule Washington , LTE, Barbara G. Underwood, The Portland Press Herald , 10/5/2012
Editorial on PAC finances hits nail on the head , LTE, Tom Bjorkman, The Bangor Daily News , 9/12/2012
Better disclosure a must , LTE, Gary Friedmann, The Bangor Daily News , 9/7/2012
Votes by Collins, Snowe ignore average Americans , LTE, Steven Freedman, The Portland Press Herald , 8/9/2012
Senators' votes against Disclose Act disappointing , LTE, Miriam Congdon, The Maine Sunday Telegram , 8/5/2012
Political Money , LTE, Former US Senator Russ Feingold, The New York Times , 8/3/2012
Snowe defends vote on disclosure law , LTE, Senator Olympia Snowe, The Portland Press Herald , 7/28/2012
Secret Money , LTE, Ann Luther, The Bangor Daily News , 7/9/2012
Montana common sense , LTE, Gary Friedmann, The Bangor Daily News , 7/3/2012
Big spenders seek to control elections , LTE, Peyton Higgison, The Portland Press Herald , 7/2/2012
Level playing field is point of the Clean Elections system , LTE, Charlie Bernstein, The Kennebec Journal , 6/8/2012
Mainers proud of our clean elections system , LTE, Jane Edwards, The Morning Sentinel , 5/26/2012
Support Clean Election system, reader urges , LTE, Tracie Reed, The Portland Press Herald , 5/23/2012
Get big money out of campaigns , LTE, Dennise Whitley, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 5/17/2012
Constructive change needed to bolster Clean Election , LTE, Karen Hessel, The Portland Press Herald , 5/9/2012
End Corporate Money in Elections , LTE, Ariel Kernis, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 5/7/2012
Voters must demand better Clean Election system , LTE, Isabelle V. Weyl, The Portland Press Herald , 5/4/2012
Money spent on elections should be limited , LTE, Elery Keene, The Kennebec Journal , 4/21/2012
Clean Elections Act levels money playing field , LTE, Mike Hein, The Kennebec Journal , 4/11/2012
No evidence that law makes for "cleaner" legislators , LTE, John Benoit, The Kennebec Journal , 4/8/2012
Clean Elections is about challengers not incumbents , LTE, Rep. Mike Carey, The Portland Press Herald , 3/29/2012
Cushing is wrong , LTE, Fern Stearns, The Bangor Daily News , 3/12/2012
Clean works, so save it , LTE, Ann Luther, The Bangor Daily News , 3/12/2012
How We Finance Political Campaigns , LTE, Cole Leystra, 2/22/2012
We need clean politics , LTE, Jim Wellehan, The Lewiston Sun Journal , 2/10/2012
Nation must separate money, politics , LTE, Cushman Anthony, The Portland Press Herald , 2/9/2012
Campaign funds shouldn't buy policy , LTE, Cushman Anthony, The Forecaster , 1/23/2012
Lawmakers should enact option for clean elections , LTE, Alison Smith, The Maine Sunday Telegram , 1/22/2012
Panel discusses campaign financing, free speech in 2012 election , Juliette Laaka, Village Soup , 10/23/2012
Keeping Maine's Elections Clean and Accessible , MECEP, State of the State , 10/23/2012
Andrew Bossie Interview on WatchDog Nation , Kenneth Capron, WMPG 90.9 , 8/15/2012
Maine group dissects campaign financing , Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald , 7/20/2012
Report: $12M in PAC money used to distort Maine politics , Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald , 6/9/2012
Report: Millions in 'Leadership PAC' Money Distorting Maine's Political Process , A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN , 6/7/2012
Group claims PACs allow big money to infiltrate, influence Maine elections , Christopher Cousins, The Bangor Daily News , 6/7/2012
Alison Smith, Political Activist, Maine Citizens for Clean Elections , Inspire Portland , 3/29/2012
Clean Election Changes in Maine , FOX23 , 3/21/2012
Clean Elections Community Update , Community Television Network , 3/1/2012
Interview with Jeff Clements, author of "Corporations are Not People" , Community Television Network , 2/27/2012
Understanding the Impact of Citizens United , Fresh Air, National Public Radio , 2/23/2012
Examining the SuperPAC with Colbert's Trevor Potter , Fresh Air, National Public Radio , 2/23/2012
Alison Smith works to reform campaign finance by using public funds , Paul Loeb, The Christian Science Monitor , 1/31/2012
Corporations Are NOT People , Jeff Clements, Maine PBN , 1/20/2012 Jeff Clements, founder of Free Speech for People, Addresses MCCE's Annual Meeting in November 2011 and rebroadcast on MPBN.
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