Report on Gubernatorial Fundraising Reveals Big Money’s Dominance, 9/24/2013 Augusta, ME - MCCE's latest Money in Politics report shines a light on fundraising by the three leading gubernatorial candidates in the 2014 elections. With fourteen months to go, each is already turning to wealthy contributors to build their war chests. Over $1 million has been raised already, with nearly half coming from "maxed-out" contributors of $1,500 and $3,000.
News Release: Legislature Fails to Override Gubernatorial Vetoes of Transparency Laws, 6/27/2013 Augusta, ME - MCCE today condemned the Maine Legislature and Governor LePage for undermining the modest progress made toward greater disclosure during the 126th Maine Legislature after the legislature failed to override the governor’s veto on two transparency bills late last night.
New Report Examines Campaign Contributions From Tax Reform Foes, 6/24/2013 Augusta, ME - Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE) released a report today examining the political donations made by nine industry sectors that lined up in opposition to LD 1496, An Act to Modernize and Simplify the Tax Code. The report shows that these industries made over $6 million in contributions to influence legislative and gubernatorial elections since 2000 in Maine.
Clean Elections on Track to be Weakened by Legislature, 6/12/2013 Augusta, ME - The budget compromise awaiting action by the legislature and Governor LePage contains deep cuts to the Maine Clean Election program, including suspending all funding for gubernatorial candidates in the 2014 election.
MCCE Requests Investigation of Apparent Violations of Campaign Law, 6/7/2013 Augusta, ME - Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE) has requested the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices to investigate campaign contributions reported by the Paul LePage campaign that appear to violate state law.
Report Shows Pro-Tobacco Forces Giving Heavily to Maine Campaign, 6/3/2013 Augusta, ME - Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE) released a report today that shows that cigarette manufacturers and their retail allies spent $539,000 since 2000 to influence the outcome of political campaigns, while the nonprofits, associations, and others who work to solve the problems of tobacco addiction gave $118,000.
Maine Lawmakers Vote to Advance Bill To Strengthen Clean Elections , 5/17/2013 Augusta, ME - The Joint Standing Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs voted 7-5 to approve a bill that would return the Maine Clean Elections Act to the robust program that voters intended when they passed the law in 1996.
Report Reveals Uneven Campaign Money Behind GMO Labeling Fight in Maine , 5/14/2013 Augusta, ME - Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE) released a report today showing that industry opponents of GMO labeling have invested over 10 times more in political contributions than those pushing for labeling of consumer products that contain genetically modified ingredients.
Maine Legislature Calls on Congress to Pass Constitutional Amendment to Reverse Citizens United, 4/30/2013 Augusta, ME - Noting that “the current legal landscape severely constrains the range of options available to citizens, frustrating efforts to reduce the influence of moneyed interest in elections and in government," a resolution to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision was passed today by both the Maine State House and State Senate.
Maine People Unite for Strong Campaign Finance Laws at State House, 4/29/2013 Augusta, ME - A diverse group of Maine people will rally today in support of campaign finance reform in the Hall of Flags at the State House beginning at 10:15 a.m. “We’re Mainers First” is the theme of the event, which is organized by the nonpartisan Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE).
Report Details Surge of Private Money in Maine Legislative Elections, 4/23/2013 Augusta, ME - Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE) released a report today showing that for the first time since 2002 private funds surpassed Maine Clean Election Act Funds in Maine legislative races. Tracking the Money: Private Money Surges in Maine’s 2012 Legislative Races contains an extensive analysis of the amount spent in Maine’s 2012 legislative elections – the most expensive in Maine history. The report shows that substantial campaign contributions were made by many entities with vested interests in the decisions to be made by the 126th Legislature now in session.
Maine Citizens Testify Against Proposal to Gut Clean Elections, 3/20/2013 Augusta, ME - Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE) will testify on Wednesday in opposition to Part MM of the governor’s budget proposal. The Joint Standing Committees on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and Veteran and Legal Affairs will convene the hearing at 1:00 pm.
Maine Citizens Unite Against Citizens United, 1/22/2013 Augusta, ME - Mainers call for a U.S. constitutional amendment to restore the people’s voice in our political system and push back on Governor’s attempt to gut Clean Elections.
Governor’s Budget Proposal Guts Clean Elections, 1/14/2013 Augusta, ME - Governor Paul LePage’s recently released biennial budget proposes raiding the Clean Election Fund of $4 million, which would leave no resources for legislative or gubernatorial candidates to utilize the popular voter-enacted program in 2014.