In Portland, for the first time, candidates could use Clean Elections to run for local office. More than half of the candidates ran Clean, including all of the winners for City Council, and the total spending was down significantly! In its first year, Clean Elections was a big success, and we’re excited to make the program even better for voters and candidates next year. Will you consider a gift today? Your support means we can continue to champion a government of, by, and for the people at every level. When the legislature comes together this January, Maine can lead by passing the nation’s first-ever Clean Elections program for District Attorneys and Sheriffs. These law-enforcement positions are increasingly the target of big-money campaigns. The justice system must be above any suspicion of corruption! Fighting for Clean Elections in our communities, defending our wins in court, and building the momentum for a US constitutional amendment are all part of the strategy that puts our democracy truly in the hands of the people! But we can’t do it without you. Whether it’s a one-time donation of $50, $100, or $500 or a monthly donation of $10 as an “Of, By, For Advocate”, it all helps. Thank you for your support in this crucial time for our democracy.  Anna Kellar Executive Director |