Youth Council Internship

The goal of the internships is to support high school students in exploring the ways they can make an impact in their communities as active citizens. From learning about how state laws are passed to building their facilitation and organizing skills, interns are given the opportunity to choose the direction that their internship will take. We are seeking interns with experience and/or interest in one or more of the following areas:     

  • Community Organizing and Education
  • Communications (including content production and social media)
  • Youth Organizing
  • Creating a more equitable and just society


Hear from past interns about their experience 👇👇👇

Read about past interns here and here




What is the structure of the internship?

We hire interns three times a year:

  • Fall Semester  —  Applications due September 21, 2024
  • Spring Semester  —  Applications due January 19, 2025
  • Summer  —  Applications due May 16, 2025

Interns are paid $15 per hour and work 5 hours a week.

Once you submit your application materials, we will contact you about scheduling an interview. Each semester we hire 3-4 high school interns from across the state.




Who are we looking for?

Ideal candidates are:

  • Committed to expanding political equity and increased voter engagement of all Mainers
  • Outgoing and a strong communicator, able to establish connections to new people,
  • Organized, punctual, self-motivated and able to be productive without constant direct supervision
  • Able to commit to nonpartisan values
  • Team players who work in a highly collaborative, fast-paced environment
  • Able to learn basic information quickly and stay on message



What would you be doing?





Your future



What opportunities has this internship given past students? Past students have connected to other jobs, gotten college recommendation letters, attended national conferences as presenters, and more!

This internship is a great opportunity to explore public service careers, the nonprofit sector, and what it is to be an elected official. Past interns have met the Governor, Secretary of State and their local Representatives!                 



How do you apply?

To apply, please send the following as attachments to Allyson at     

  • Letter of interest (no longer than one page): Please tell us why the League, Maine Citizens for Clean Elections, and Maine Students Vote interest you, and give us an example of an experience that formed your interest in social justice causes. Based on the information we’ve provided, share a few reasons why you would be a great fit to join our dynamic team. Make sure to include your cell, email, high school name, and class year.
  • Either a resume including a list of activities with which you have been involved and any relevant coursework, or the names and contact information of two professional or academic references.          

**If you are 15 and younger and interested in joining our internship program you will need to fill out a work permit application with the state of Maine before you can start. It’s best to get this submitted at the same time that you send in your internship application materials.  



About the Organizations 

The League of Women Voters of Maine (LWVME) is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate.

As part of Democracy Maine, LWVME collaborates with Maine Citizens for Clean Elections (MCCE) and Maine Students Vote to partner on advocacy and education efforts to make government more equitable, inclusive and accessible.

This internship program grew out of the Marion Holshouser Internship program.       


About Marion Holshouser

Marion Holshouser was a founder of Maine Citizens for Clean Elections and a passionate believer and a dynamic participant in the democratic political process. In Urbana, Illinois, she ran for office and was elected to the City Council and the office of City Treasurer. She served twice as a Carter delegate to the National Democratic Convention. She believed in the value of nonpartisan political work and was an active member of the League of Women Voters for most of her adult life. In "retirement" in Maine, she served on the League's state and local boards for many years, rising to president of both the state and Portland area organizations. She worked tirelessly on many League initiatives and received numerous awards for her contributions. Among her proudest accomplishments was spearheading the League of Women Voters' lead participation in Maine Voters for Clean Elections, the coalition that passed the Maine Clean Election Act by referendum in 1996 and later became MCCE. Marion's vision of an inclusive, participatory political system helped to shape the Maine Clean Election Act, and Maine people have benefited ever since its passage.