Conscience — Opening Night

25 Forest Ave
Portland, ME
Friday, September 27, 2024
7:30 PM – 10:00 PM

Join the Portland Area League on opening night for Portland Stage's production of Conscience! League members receive a special 10% discount. Use code "Chase10" at checkout. 

Conscience takes us back to a time when Maine senators were the heart of the United States Senate. This is the story of Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith, a trailblazer of Maine and national politics whose story is gripping, real, and critical to the Maine cultural identity. This play is a deep look into her gripping political rivalry with Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy. As the two begin to form a tense friendship that becomes an unlikely alliance, Senator Smith must choose between her political success, (including a potential Vice Presidential nomination), and her own conscience, culminating in the delivery of a potentially disastrous speech turned historic on the Senate floor, her Declaration of Conscience.

Learn more here.

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